Safely Clean Hot Plates and Griddles
Use HotStuff to safely clean hot plates, griddles, cooking irons and food presses. A non-caustic, no-rinse ready-to-use cleaner designed to safely to remove carbon and burnt on food soiling. HotStuff is super quick and easy to use!
- Using a cooking scraper remove loose heavy soiling, BEFORE using HotStuff
- Make sure the hot plate is kept at or heated to180oC (350oF)
- On large hot plates, it is best to clean one section at a time
- Dispense from a correctly labelled squirt bottle with a flip cap. Use a sweeping motion to apply a liberal amount of HotStuff onto the hot surfaces
- Use a steel cooking scraper or blade to distribute the product evenly over the griddle or hot plate surface
- Allow HotStuff to bubble (activate) and continue to scrape surface
- It is recommended to use a Griddle Pad (with correct holder) on heavily burnt on/soiled surfaces
- After 1-2 minutes scrape surfaces clean
- The addition of white vinegar or lemon juice may assist in removing final residues
- Use a wet or damp cloth to wipe clean to finish
- Surfaces DO NOT need to be rinsed before cooking
- Regularly empty plate containment
Watch the video instructions